Andre Charles aka RuPaul, Dave Chapelle Curtis James Jackson III aka 50 cent is taking his acting career seriously losing more than 50 lbs to star as a football player who is suffering from cancer. What is 50's secret that helped him lose all this weight in just nine weeks?
Jenny Craig A liquid diet and running on a treadmill three hours a day.
This time it was a lot tougher for me," the 6-foot-tall rapper said
"I had to discipline myself not ... to actually have myself be in the physical state to convey the energy I felt. It's a passion project for me. I was starving,” he said, adding that now he is back on tour, “I’ve been eating. I’ll be back in shape in no time!”
And what about all his tattoos?
“I took ‘em off. I’ve been on a few acting projects and they been making me get up… My call time is four hours before the regular acting talent because of the tattoos.”
50 cent now looks a shocking 25 cent. I'm sure along with his new movie and the recent press surrounding his dramatic weight loss, 50 cent will drop a new CD.
50 cents is one of the music world’s richest performers with an estimated fortune of $440 million in 2008.
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