Now I am not here to support teen fucking however Title V sounds like a Sue Grafton Novel. If I were Sue, I’d get my ass in gear and write the next installment to her alphabet soup Kinsey Millhone Mysteries series. I’d call this book "V is for Va jay jay". The story would revolve around the main character Kinsey Millhone trying to solve the mystery behind the horny group of teens fucking in the year 2010. I’d also bring back some other popular characters like Mike and Carol Brady. They would be pleading Greg’s innocents in the whole "fucking" scandal, just like in the episode of the Brady Bunch where Greg swore to his mother Carol and Mrs.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
V the new Generation
Now I am not here to support teen fucking however Title V sounds like a Sue Grafton Novel. If I were Sue, I’d get my ass in gear and write the next installment to her alphabet soup Kinsey Millhone Mysteries series. I’d call this book "V is for Va jay jay". The story would revolve around the main character Kinsey Millhone trying to solve the mystery behind the horny group of teens fucking in the year 2010. I’d also bring back some other popular characters like Mike and Carol Brady. They would be pleading Greg’s innocents in the whole "fucking" scandal, just like in the episode of the Brady Bunch where Greg swore to his mother Carol and Mrs.
Has Anyone Seen My Dick?
The Times of India reported yesterday that a 19 year old idiot cut off his penis (a big excruciating OUCH!) after he learned that his girlfriend was going to marry someone else.
Isn't that taking self-mutilation just a little too far?? And all over a girl???! WTF??
The poor sap is now in the hospital and in stable condition but they cun't find his wiener. He apparently sliced it off and threw it down a well.
What a dick!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Living La Vida Obvious
He now joins the Stating the Obvious club alongside fellow gay celebutants:
Clay Aiken
Adam Lambert
Ellen DeGeneres
Boy George
Sanjaya (oh yeah he hasn't come out yet)
Future inductee Anderson Cooper - here's your chance while it's still relevant.
Is there something you would like to tell us?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Boy oh Boy George

It's a miracle Boy George can even fit into his clothes these days but if it's the diva look he's going for, a la Urethra Franklin, then he's got it dead on.
I bet he even knows about the crying game now. My guess is he lives it and I don't blame him. I certainly would be all cried out if I put on those pounds.

And at time it looks like he's channeling Helen Terry and I wonder what happened to her? Did he eat her as well? After all, we haven't seen her since the War Song. Wappa doo wappa do!
Ricky Martin is not a straight gay?
Could this be the man Joan Collin's wrote about when she penned the phrase "you're so gay" in one of her shitty books?
Lord Tundering Jesus attacked by a disco ball
Someone get on the phone and call Misdemeanor and tell her to get back on the M. I. C!
Hey Missy, we are no longer lovin' Madonna and them Gap Jeannns. When Jesus walks by, people gonna be asking him, "Where You get them jeans?
Missy take it from me!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Urinal Reader
But I was at work this past week and went to the bathroom to find a co-worker at one of the public urinals.
There he was taking a whiz and obviously holding his willie with one hand while his other hand held up a novel. And he was reading it at the urinal. In the open. Just reading like it was nothing out of the ordinary.
And I'm wondering how long does he believe he's going to pee that he would think he has enough time to read at the urinal? And where does he put the book while he shakes those last few drops out and tucks it back into his pants?
I didn't hang around to find out but I made a mental note to never borrow a book from him.
Has anyone else had this experience and what do you think? Disgusting or not?
Saturday, March 27, 2010

For those of you who don't know SHALONG ...
Shalong is defined as "a fucking huge donkey dick" according to the world of ghetto ebonics.
"Niggah, yo fuckin shalong is pokin' outa yo fuckin pants"
I must ask: What's the deal with lesbians and dildos? Now, I don't mean to offend but I need clarity.
I was in my local adult store the other day shopping around for some new kinky toys when I overheard some women talking and excited about getting home to have some fun. As I glanced over, I noticed these two manly butchy lesbians clutching this huge black [sha]long snake-looking dildo and not wanting to let it go. I thought to myself wouldn't a dick suffice? This black dildo looked bigger and harder than any dick I've ever seen. I mean if shalong is on your mind why not hookup with a regular Maxx Phukzalot or a Ricky Dangler?
So, I am curious ...
Why is it every time I watch porn and see two lesbians doing the nasty, it seems that the lez using the dildo on her partner is doing more moaning and screaming than the one who has that thing inside her. Am I missing something here? Am I naive in believing that true lesbianism is not about a good muffmunching?
Lesbians of the world, please help me understand! This inquisitive mind wants to know!
Baldness Discriminates
I don't get it. Why does it always pick on the head and not, say, his ass or back?
Baldness you are headaphobic!
Are you a fan of the...
Do guys really walk out in public not knowing their dick is pressed against their leg?
Are you a fan?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tiger Woods Sees His Shadow
I'm sure Howard Stern is already thinking sequel to his Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant, but I have a few ideas of my own. Tell me what you think.
Survivor: STDs - the Tiger Tribe vs the Monkey Tribe. The winners eat lobster and the losers get crabs.
Mistress Idol - vote for your favorite ho plus the top 10 then go on the whore tour for the summer.
Prostitute Island - Married couples agree to live with the mistresses in order to test the strength of their relationships.
America's Got Talent - each mistress shows off her best "talent".
Dancing With The Skanks - pole dancing at its best!
Or how about Biggest Loser, America's Next Top Call Girl, Hooker Apprentice.
I'm telling you the ideas are endless and with a few more scandals we might get a chance to produce them all so let the whoring begin!
**The following shows are registered / copyright material of motherchuck**
Who's that screaming NASTY Girl? Ms. Tyler is 62 Today.
It's true this gorgeous woman is 62 today. Stefanie is purely ageless. Here's Stefanie at some L'oreal / Glamour party. Girlfriend that age defiance cream is working for you.
I love everything about Stefanie. The clothes - that scarf is to die 4! The make up, the way her stylist left just enough white in her hair to make it look skunk, it's screaming tre sheik! And who said the flowbee haircut system was just another after midnight infomericaI gimmick? I..LOVE...IT!
Girlfriend got it going ON....hmmm!
Ann Coulter Could U Not Talk!
Why cun't Coulter simply go away? Because she's a publicity whore who feeds on it like that nazi chick going all heil hitler on Jesse James' dick and we keep giving it to her. Again and again.
But you know how we could get back at her? Simply take away the drug that Ann craves -- attention.
Here's a novel idea. What if she was invited to speak and no one came?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It has a dick!
Everyone is out to prove they have a bigger dick than Gaga!
And this one is very bad, a very very bad bad she-male!
So what are you trying to say? That to be a man you simply need a big belly and some facial hair?
You see, I pictured you coming back looking more like Fabio - all ripped and muscular but instead you came back looking more like Peter Griffin from Family Guy.
I guess the only positive I can see from this is that, as a peen hater, you won't be able to see yours either over that belly.
MotherChuck provides entertainment, news, information and opinions about events, pop culture and celebrity news mixed with a little gossip for fun. Posts are created by culling and synthesizing information from multiple sources including public records, other blogs, magazines, newspapers, those “reliable source or a close friend” and, of course, sources who almost always choose to remain anonymous. Published content may include inaccurate information and no claims of accuracy by MotherChuck can or should be taken seriously by anyone. MotherChuck is meant to be in the spirit of good fun, laughter and amusement. MotherChuck is not intended or designed to be fact or fiction. It is intended to be a tongue-in-cheek, voyeuristic and sometimes sarcastic. MotherChuck is not intended to influence anyone. We hope that MotherChuck and our opinion is the best online experience for you. Additionally, MotherChuck asks that you do not take the content of our blog seriously. We do not take any responsibility for any stupid things that might be said in the comments section and accept no liability for any loss, damage or hurt feelings insensitive comments may incur.